House of Refuge – Accra

The local NGO, Catholic Action for Street Children, (C.A.S) has been supporting the House of Refuge, in the center of Accra, for twenty-five years, with the help of the Archdiocese of Accra and the sporadic collaboration of several physical persons from Europe.

This aid has been systematically decreasing, year after year, until it is practically nonexistent, with which CAS is at a serious risk of survival, just now that the number of children living on the street in the city of Accra has come multiplying exponentially in recent years.

The money that we request for the project will be used, in its entirety, to resume, promote and maintain the following activities carried out by C.A.S. in the streets of Accra and in the House of Refuge:

  • “Field” work on the corners of the streets of Accra.
  • Detoxification of drugs, stabilization and basic health care, providing the necessary medicine and care.
  • Literacy and non-formal education in English
  • Preparation, for girls and boys, in the realization and proper performance of fundamental trades for subsistence and self-financing such as hairdressing, cooking, makeup, painting, sewing, computer and craftsmanship in wood.

In the House of Refuge, all the children are registered and the systematized information about each one is kept, with the detail of their illnesses, treatments, habits, abilities, personal situation, etc.